Kobe Commerce, Industry and Trade Center Building is an intelligent office building with 107.00m high and 26 floors on the ground and 2 floors on the basement.
It is fully equipped with comfortable and speedy communication environment indispensable for business office. Optical fiber has been set in to correspond to high speed and capacity data communication. Refurbishment for energy saving such as emission-reduction of CO2 that is a cause of global warming, promotion of going high-tech building office, elevator facility renewal and refurbishing to that with universal design has been in progress. We provide fully global environmental-friendly, comfortable and worker-friendly office amenity for you.
Kobe Commerce, Industry and Trade Center Building is the first superskyscraper built in the Western Japan and particular care was taken for its aseismic design from the design phase. While the underground base has sufficient weight and size, the building on the ground is of lightweight structure, which prevents tip-over. Bend of the building absorbs shake and immediately restores it to the original position, and makes it free from cracks and breakage.
Its excellent quakeproof property was proved at the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995. In spite of the fact that many buildings around Sannomiya were destroyed, even an abnormality on the structure could not be found on the building, let alone the damage.
Key management system with magnetic card and key box is employed for offices for rent. The latest system controls automatic security. You can enter or leave your office smoothly for 24 hours. When the building is closed, you can enter or leave office using the magnetic card. To enhance the security system, the control center with high technology automatically monitors your valuable office for 24 hours.